
In a world where there are increasing concerns of resource scarcity, the emergent phenomenon of ICT enabled Collaborative Consumption Services (CCS), is becoming relevant as it presents a more efficient allocation of resources and is associated with the generation of social capital. There has been little research on CCS and how social capital is generated. This study aimed to address this gap in research through the use of a provisional unifying model to explore how social capital outcomes are generated amongst individuals participating in peer-to-peer CCS. Using an interpretivist world view, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight CCS users. Forms of bonding and bridging social capital were found to have been formed as a result of various interactions amongst CCS users, which produced different benefits such as connectedness, informational benefits and more efficient future transactions. This benefits spurred the CCS users to return to using the CCS or other CCS, amplifying social capital outcomes and thus creating a virtuous cycle. Technology was found to have performed two important roles during this process, one of gatekeeper and of relationship maintainer. This research project aimed to generate greater awareness and understanding of CCS which will hold implications for academics, local government and CCS designers.
