
Traditional higher education is usually research-based, many times designed for short-term (Abcouwer et al., 2019), equipping students with skills needed now or in the near future (Takács et al., 2019). Its primary focus is on transferring existing knowledge (Sia, 2015), resulting in educational programs with profound knowledge and also knowledge gaps. They mislead students in fully covering a discipline, as only specific knowledge within the area is transferred. Moreover, disciplines further develop and change fast in our turbulent times. How to manage in our dynamic world with a growing gap between the needed and offered competencies? The contribution of cooperative learning and life-long learning has been well substantiated. Building on that, we discuss de-linearised learning and the eight ways of learning for introducing a new approach to learning in an ecosystem, the so called ‘Me, We, All’ approach (Abcouwer et al., 2022).
