
Systems analysis and design has a long history in information systems education. As such, the various information systems model curriculum versions throughout the years have consistently included the systems analysis and design course. IS 2020 Competency Model for Undergraduate Programs in Information Systems is the latest model information systems curriculum. IS 2020 represents a distinct departure from previous versions in that it proposes competencies rather than learning objectives. As such, the purpose of this paper is to compare the proposed IS 2020 competencies for the systems analysis and design competency area with the course learning outcomes from recent systems analysis and design course syllabi to examine the alignment between the two and provide, in essence, a “snapshot” of the current state of systems analysis and design courses in light of IS 2020. A directed content analysis was conducted indicating strong, moderate, and weak alignment between competencies and course learning outcomes. Limitations included the exclusion of course descriptions in the analysis as these may provide further insight into course content and learning outcomes and small number of syllabi analyzed. Future research proposed is conducting interviews of faculty members teaching the systems analysis and design course and increasing the number of syllabi analyzed.
