
Since the pandemic many businesses assumed a hybrid workforce which puts particular emphasis on the ability of colleagues to collaborate and locate and use information quickly. Generative AI is definitely changing in a lot of ways how KM will be designed today but along with that so are some other technologies. These include other forms of AI such as natural language processing and machine learning and new approaches in computing such are cloud computing and low- and no-code development. How feasible, economically and otherwise, is it for businesses to adopt these new technologies and adapt their KM practices to embrace the new capabilities offered? No matter how powerful these may be, their infiltration in the actual business stream is not automatic and may take a while. Meanwhile, it is important to consider alternatives. Such alternatives may come from utilizing exciting, legacy software to collectively synthesize a knowledge management (KM) environment. Software such as the business intranets, extranets, document and content management systems (CMS), collaboration and groupware tools, decision support systems (DSS), conferencing tools, etc. Albeit, the simplicity offered by a uniform KM environment through a knowledge management system (KMS) is desirable, organizations may be looking to find KM functionality in existing legacy systems such as their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The present study considers the KM features offered by some important but not KM-specific software.
