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This paper investigates a particular phenomenon observed on social media platforms: spikes in users' travel intentions when interacting with travel-related videos. We identify 632 spikes in travel intentions among 25,112 cases extracted from 2,113 travel videos on, China's leading platform for long-form video sharing, and analyze the microscopic characteristics of video clips preceding these spikes. We employ a binomial logit model to investigate the underlying causes and find that, images with visual aesthetic and stimulation tend to trigger these spikes, whereas rapid scene transitions may deter them. Additionally, while music enhances the likelihood of a spike, excessively loud volumes have a detrimental effect. This study reveals the factors influencing spikes in travel intentions and offers managerial implications for tourism promotion.




Jul 2nd, 12:00 AM

What Drives the Spikes of Travel Intentions in Social Media? The Role of Micro-factors in Video Clips

This paper investigates a particular phenomenon observed on social media platforms: spikes in users' travel intentions when interacting with travel-related videos. We identify 632 spikes in travel intentions among 25,112 cases extracted from 2,113 travel videos on, China's leading platform for long-form video sharing, and analyze the microscopic characteristics of video clips preceding these spikes. We employ a binomial logit model to investigate the underlying causes and find that, images with visual aesthetic and stimulation tend to trigger these spikes, whereas rapid scene transitions may deter them. Additionally, while music enhances the likelihood of a spike, excessively loud volumes have a detrimental effect. This study reveals the factors influencing spikes in travel intentions and offers managerial implications for tourism promotion.

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