PACIS 2023 is unique in that the Pacific-Asia region¹ is making significant, yet varying degree of, transition from the pandemic-response economy. At the same time, the region is seeing dynamic and rapid digitalization effort at societal, community, organizational, and even individual levels. We are witnessing a world where digital technologies have fueled economic and societal changes that are much quicker, more erratic, and less anticipated. At such an important juncture, PACIS 2023 puts further the conference theme of “Navigating Digital Turbulence and Seizing New Possibilities”. The twenty tracks capture this conference theme in 360-degree perspective.
We invite you to join us from July 8-12th, 2023, in Nanchang for an in-person discussion on how information systems research can help us leverage opportunities for innovation in the digital era.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Patrick Chau, Ph.D., University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Jack Jing, Ph.D., University of Hong Kong
Mikko Siponen, Ph.D., University of Siponen
Program Co-Chairs:
Andrew Burton-Jones, Ph.D., University of Queensland
Chuan-Hoo Tan, Ph.D., National University of Singapore
Bo Sophia Xiao, Ph.D., University of Hawaii
Submissions from 2023
Acqui-hiring or Acqui-quitting: Post-M&A Turnover Prediction via a Dual-fit Model, Denghui Zhang, Hao Zhong, and Jingyuan Yang
Across the Great Digital Divide: Investigating the Impact of AI on Rural SMEs, Susan Sheldrick, Shanton Chang, Sherah Kurnia, and Dana McKay
Activities to Build a Digital Corporate Culture–A Multiple-case Study on the Prerequisites for Digital Innovation, Patrizia Orth, Gunther Piller, and Franz Rothlauf
A DEA-based Approach for Feature Selection in Credit Scoring, Xian Cheng and Yitong Liu
A Deep Learning Entity Extraction Model for Chinese Government Documents, Hao Ding, Xuwen Li, jialin du, and Guangwei Hu
Adherence to medication interventions: Following attending physicians or online support?, Huijing Guo, Kathy Ning Shen, and Xiaofeng Ju
A Dual-view Attention Neural Network for Assigning Industrial Categories to Academic Patents, Zhaobin Liu, Weiwei Deng, Peihu Zhu, Wei DU, and Jian Ma
Affect between Humans and Conversational Agents: A Review and Organizing Frameworks, Wei Cui and Atreyi Kankanhalli
A Hierarchical Attention-based Contrastive Learning Method for Micro Video Popularity Prediction, Tan Cheng, Chenghong Zhang, Gang Chen, Shuaiyong Xiao, Zongxiang Zhang, and Xulei Jin
AI Aversion: A Task Dependent Multigroup Analysis, Md Jabir Rahman, Huigang Liang, and Yajiong Xue
Algorithmic Pricing and Fairness: A Moderated Moderation Model of AI Disclosure and Typicality of AI Pricing, Xiao Peng, Xixian Peng, and David (Jingjun) Xu
A Multimodal Framework with Co-Attention for Fake Review Detection, Jianlan Li, Qi Lu, Wei DU, and Wei Xu
An Ambidextrous Perspective on Machine Learning Development and Operation: The Nexus of Organizational Structure, Tensions, and Tactics, Oliver A. Vetter, Luisa Pumplun, and Timo Koppe
An Industry-Specific Investigation on Artificial Intelligence Adoption: The Cases of Financial Services and Manufacturing, Mathis Hoffmann and Maren Mehler
An Investigation into Domestic Violence Victims' Adoption of Chatbots for Help-seeking: Based on the UTAUT2 and Health Belief Models, Rongbin Yang, Santoso Wibowo, and Sameera Mubarak
A novel approach towards healthcare sustainability assessment using the multi-criteria PROMETHEE II method, Jarosław Wątróbski, Aleksandra Bączkiewicz, and Iga Rudawska
A Pathway for the Practical Adoption of Federated Machine Learning Projects, Tobias Müller, Milena Zahn, and Florian Matthes
Applying Topic Modeling with Prior Domain-Knowledge in Information Systems Research, Yuting Jiang, Mengyao Fu, Jie Fang, and Matti Rossi
Assessing and Enhancing Adversarial Robustness for Review-Based Recommender System: A Design Science Approach, Ruicheng Liang, Yidong Chai, Weifeng Li, Michael Chau, Yuanchun Jiang, and Yezheng Liu
Assessing Organizational Readiness for Data-driven Innovation: A Review of Literature, Sasari Sanika Udanjala Samarasinghe, Sachithra Lokuge, and Sophia Duan
Asymmetrical Effects of Approach and Avoidance Hints on Online Dating Recommenders, Luyao Meng, Leilei Gao, and Jinxing Hao
A User-Centric Approach to Explainable AI in Corporate Performance Management, Oliver A. Vetter and Alexander Efremov
Balancing Privacy and Benefits: Mechanism Design for Two-way Information Disclosure in B2C E-commerce, Jianxuan Xin, Hao Xia, and Qiang Ye
Blockchain Innovation Competition in Service and Manufacturing Industries, Sidi Zhao and Pei Xu
Building Streamers’ Personal Brand Loyalty by the Brand Resonance Pyramid Model in Live Streaming Commerce, Li-Ting Huang
Calling for Research into Digitalization of Voice Conversations in Organizational Meetings: A Literature Review, Laura Hefer, Uri Gal, and Carol Hsu
Can Gamification Help to Unlock the Full Potential of Preventive Returns Management Measures in E-Commerce? – A First Empirical Analysis, Caterina Rauh and Bjoern Asdecker
Career Path Clustering via Sequential Job Embedding and Mixture Markov Models, Hao Zhong and Chuanren Liu
Chatbot or Human?The Impact of Chatbot Service Strategies on Recovery Satisfaction, Yi Zhang and Quansheng Wang
Competition in Fintech Lending by BigTechs with Personalized Interest Rates, Yangyin Lin, Qiang Ye, and Hao Xia
Convergence in online physician-patient communication, Siqi Wang, Xiaofei Zhang, and Fanbo Meng
Creating Common Ground: Formalizing and Designing Employee-driven Innovation Processes with Decision Points, Stephan Leible, Tom Lewandowski, Emir Kučević, and Moritz Leon Witt
Cross-border E-commerce Risk Evaluation from Sellers’ Perspective, Sun Yulu
Crowded Social Media: Investigating the Crowdedness Effect on Social Media Usage, Xiaoni Lu, Jack Tong, Hyeokkoo Eric Kwon, and Xi Zhao
Data Analytics Capabilities for Digital Service Development: A Case Study, Prashanth Madhala, Tingting Lin, Hongxiu Li, and Nina Helander
Data and knowledge-driven intelligent investment cognitive reasoning model, Chunxiao Li and Mou Yuan Yap
Death by reviews: Do online reviews lead firms to Bankruptcy?, Nelini Jayathilake, Darshana D. Sedera, and Golam Sorwar
Decision Aggregation with Reliability Propagation, Hao Zhong, Yuyue Chen, Chuanren Liu, and Hande Benson
Describing Your Podcasts: Disentangling the Effects of Linguistic Features in Bolstering Online Learners’ Engagement with Podcasters, Xiaohui Liu, Na Jiang, Haiping Zhao, Eric Lim, and Chee-Wee Tan
Design for Acceptance and Intuitive Interaction: Teaming Autonomous Aerial Systems with Non-experts, Sara Ellenrieder, Maren Mehler, and Merve Turan Akdag
Designing A Scalable Intervention for Adult Learners’ Negative Academic Self-concept, Chenxu Zheng and Bernard Tan
Designing Fair AI Systems: Exploring the Interaction of Explainable AI and Task Objectivity on Users’ Fairness Perception, Tingru Cui, Sharon Li, Kaiping Chen, James Bailey, and Feng Liu
Designing the Organizational Metaverse for Effective Socialization, Miriam Gräf, Anne Zöll, Nihal Wahl, Sara Ellenrieder, Florentina Hager, Timo Sturm, and Oliver A. Vetter
Developing a Framework for Restrained Innovation: IT-Outsourcing Context, Sachithra Lokuge and Darshana Sedera
Disentangling the Impact of Bidding Price on Click-through Rate and Product Sales in E-commerce Search Advertising, Ping Qiu, Zhao Cai, Hing Kai Chan, Xiangtianrui Kong, and Ye Shi
Disentangling the Mechanism of Digital Transformation on Organizational Creativity: The Role of Organizational Learning, Zhizhi He, Yang-Jun Li, and Matthew K.O. Lee
Dismantling the Black Box: Understanding Consumers' Motivations for the Usage of Live Streaming Shopping Platform, Quan Xiao, Xiaojie Wang, Lu Qu, Shanshan Wan, Mingsong Mao, and Xing Zhang
Does Algorithmic Awareness Inculcate Mindful News Consumption in Social Media?, Labeeba Kothur and Vidushi Pandey
Does Collaboration Always Enhance Work Efficiency? Investigating Collective IS Use from a Process Perspective, Liping Chen, Fei Ren, Minya Xu, and Zhixue Zhang
Does digital finance enhance corporate green innovation?, Ping Deng, Chuyin Sun, and HAO LU
Does Digital Transformation Promote Breakthrough Green Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Listed Chinese Manufacturing Companies, shiyu zheng and Ning Zhang
Does social capital influence individuals’ repayment default? Evidence from consumers' behavior data with mobile phone, yuechen Ou, le Wang, Hualong Yang, and Zhibin Hu
Driving Live Streaming Commitment with Goal Incentives Based on Viewer Reciprocity: A Quasi-Natural Experiment, Zhe JING, Jack Tong, yue guo, and Alain Chong
Dynamics of Business-IT Alignment: A Complex Adaptive System Model, Hao Hu and Nianxin Wang
Eliciting Positive Responses to Refurbished Electronics Through Consumer Empowerment, Xu Zhang and Xinwei Wang
Embracing Uncertainty Between Us: On the Design of Incentive Allocation Mechanism in Referral Reward Programs, Huijie Jin, Kanliang Wang, and Shouwang Lu
Emotional Cost of Cyber Crime and Cybersecurity Protection Motivation Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review, Abdulelah Alshammari, Vladlena Benson, and Luciano C. Batista
Emotional Experience in Virtual Reality Sports Use, Hong Chen and Hongxiu Li
Emphasizing Severity over Susceptibility: The Impact of Threat Warnings in Health Rumor Rebuttals, Xiao-Liang Shen and You Wu
Enterprise Architecture Practice and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Digital Transformation in Developing Countries, A B M Nayeem, Rod Dilnutt, and Sherah Kurnia
Examine Online User Reactions for Philanthropic Communication in Social Media: An Online Natural Experiment, Yan Shi, Ying Liu, and Yi (Zoe) Zou
Examining Applicability of Uncanny Valley Hypothesis: A Large-Scale Study, Liu Yong, Yanqing Lin, and Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
Examining Effects of Constructive Versus Destructive Criticism on Knowledge Contribution Pattern in Online Knowledge Communities, Anqi Xu, Bo Wen, and Paul Jen-Hwa Hu
Examining the Survival of Forked Blockchain Projects: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective, Yujie Zheng, Mariana Andrade, and Waifong Boh
Exploring Antecedents of Cyberchondria During Pandemics: An integration of Stress and Coping and SOR, Ping Wang, Lin Li, and Wei Chen
Exploring factors influencing actor engagement in MyData health platform: A case study from Finland, Fan Wang, Pasi Karppinen, and Petri Ahokangas
Exploring FemTech Affordances: A Computational Analysis of Fertility and Pregnancy Apps, Mingyue Guo, Na Liu, and Julian Prester
Exploring How Healthcare Information Technology Use Impacts the Quality of Care: A Process Perspective, Yusha Zhong and Ji Wu
Exploring Metaverse Addiction: Lenses of Technology Affordance and Compensatory Actualization, Yijing Xun and Xiabing Zheng
Exploring the effect of AR filter on perceived brand image: The mediating role of realistic experience, Jia-Hui Lin, Sheng-Wei Lin, Tzu-Yang Chu, and Hung-Ting Lin
Exploring the Effect of National Culture on Emerging Technologies: A Glimpse into the Future, Maren Mehler, Merve Turan Akdag, and Anne Zöll
Exploring the Process of Fresh Produce Supply Within a Platform Ecosystem During City Lockdown Period, Qian Wang, Yuankun Luo, and Weiling Ke
Exploring the role of the transactive memory system in virtual team resilience: Evidence from online medical teams, Wenchao Du, Wu Liu, Xitong Guo, and Doug Vogel
Exploring Users’ Security-related Fact-Checking Behavior in Educational Social Media Groups: The Perspective of Health Belief Model, Zhenya Tang, Botong Xue, and (Robert) Xin Luo
Exploring Weather's Effects on Users’Content Creation Behavior in Social Media: The Mediating Effect of Emotion, Yongqing Yang, Pengbo Wang, and Yuanyuan Zhang
Facilitating Supplementary Innovation in the Digital Game Industry: The Role of Modding Toolkits, Zhengzhi GUAN, Fang Cao, Mengyao Fu, Teng Ma, Eric Lim, and Chee-Wee Tan
Fashion in Live Streaming E-Commerce: The Effects of Visceral and Behavioral Design on Product Sales, Shiyu Wang, Yunhui Wang, Liu Junming, and Yijun Wang
From Complementarity to Cannibalization: Disentangling the Time-Varying Impact of XR Adoption on Multichannel Retail, Jie Fang, Bingqing Xiong, and Wilson Li
From Health Anxiety to Health Information Seeking and Utilization: Exploring the Underlying Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions, Yajing Lv, Ying Wang, and Yongqiang Sun
From Point to Path, The Role of Innovation Trajectory in Application Development, Yusheng Zhou, Jiantao Zhu, Bingqing Xiong, Eric Lim, and Chee-Wee Tan
From Seekers to Providers: Investigating the Transition of Participation Style in Online Health Communities, Yue Cheng and Dan Ma
Gamification in Mobile Payment: An Empirical Investigation, Huiliang Wu, Jifeng Luo, and Prof. Yu-Wang Chen
Gamification of Digital Platform: A Meta-analysis, Furong Jia, Xueqi Bao, and Jie (Joseph) Yu
Generative AI and ChatGPT Impact on Technostress of Teachers, Xuenan Huo and Keng Leng Siau
Governing Actor Networks in an Emerging Crowdsourcing Ecosystem, Saima Qutab, Michael David Myers, and Lesley A. Gardner
Growing Business in Live Commerce: A Tripartite Perspective and Product Heterogeneity, Ruihao Li, Qian Wang, Xinlin Yao, Xixi Li, and Xiangbin Yan
Guardians of the Metaverse: Expert Assessment of Emerging Privacy Challenges and Mitigation Strategies, Julia Schulmeyer
Heterogeneous Effects of Different Types of Bitcoin Investors on Market Volatility, Zhiyong Liu and Changjian Lu
Home Bias in Knowledge Adoption: Evidence From Location Disclosure in An Online Q&A Community, Liuyi He and Jifeng Luo
How does Digital Interactive Information Influence Stock Performances, Jinshui Huang
How Does the Winner-selection Mechanism Affect Users’ Participation in Online Brand Communities: The Moderating Role of Power Distance Beliefs, Jia Zheng, Xinwei Wang, and Ying Zhang
How do past experiences influence knowledge-sharing quality in paid knowledge communities? A learning effect perspective, Shuang Wu, Wei Xiao, Jin Li, and Xiuwu Liao
How do short videos influence users’ behavioral intentions?, MINGXIA MA and Na ZHANG
How mobile instant messaging affects public employees’ daily work: An empirical examination based on stressor-strain-outcome model, Xizi Wang, jialin du, and Guangwei Hu
How much should I invest? The influence of reputable investors and platform investors in online lending, cui li, Bo Sophia Xiao, Xiongwei Zhou, and Bin Gu
How Online Diaries Persuade Customers — The Role of Narratives, Qiang XU and Kwok On Matthew Lee
How Social Media Influencers Personalize Their Livestreams: The Role of Nonverbal Communication Behavior in Online Personalized Marketing, Yao Wu, Zekai Huang, and Chenyu Xie
How Textual Sentiment Influence Disconfirmation Effect in MOOCs?, Wei Wang and Haiwang Liu
How to present ideas in idea crowdsourcing communities? Pathways for idea convergence and divergence performances, Shixuan Fu and Xiaojiang Zheng
How to Promote the Sustainability of Information Sharing? A Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparison Analysis for Lurking Behavior in Social Media Communities, Chen Juan, Nannan Xi, and Hairui Tang