PACIS 2022 Proceedings

Paper Number



As information system (IS) research pays more and more attention to information technology (IT) outsourcing, the research body of the latter has constantly been expanding, thus changing the core concept of IT outsourcing. Considering the changing nature of IT outsourcing, this study uses a systematic review approach, main path analysis, to examine the most critical IT outsourcing literature and its contemporary popular research areas. This study first conducts the key-route main path analysis and divides the main paths into three phases, including IT outsourcing as a strategy, relational embeddedness in IT outsourcing, and boundary spanning in IT outsourcing. Second, the multiple global main paths reveal five popular sub-themes: the costs and risks of ITO, decision-making and problem-solving, factors and decisions of cloud computing outsourcing, conflict in outsourcing relationships, and governance. This study thus furthers the understanding of IT outsourcing by conducting a citation-based analysis for mapping the literature on ITO.


Paper Number 1217



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