PACIS 2022 Proceedings

Paper Number



The lockdown induced by the COVID-19 pandemic had a massive impact on the global economy forcing many organizations to allocate employees in home-office, reduce operations or promptly rethink their business models and adapt to the new realities. Digital tools and processes rapidly emerged to facilitate virtual communication, remote work and digital sales. This sudden pressure for digital transformation (DT) and adaptation to the new circumstances urge for the assessment of DT constructs related to the disruptive nature of this pandemic. We attempt to advance our understanding of the relationship between the DT in organizations and the COVID-19 pandemic. By conducting a qualitative interview study with representatives from German organizations, we were able to determine the changes in the drivers of DT in current times, as well as new factors that arise due to the special lockdown circumstances. We present our results and their scholarly and practical implications.


Paper Number 1700



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