PACIS 2021 Proceedings
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The lack of precise communication and an effective information delivery mechanism has created a hurdle for students in understanding on-demand lectures. This paper examines the role of checklists as a mechanism for effective information delivery in on-demand learning. Two checklists having information at different levels of details are prepared to help students in report writing. A case study is conducted on 41 on-demand lectures covering six courses offered at a Japanese University. A striking difference between checklist and baseline modes is observed upon evaluating reports written using text processing and data mining techniques. On average, the use of a checklist decreased the error rate by over 7%. Using the fine-grained checklist reduces the faulty reports by over 11% compared to coarse-grains reports. The level of details in the checklist instructions has a significant impact on the correctness of reports.
Recommended Citation
Konjengbam, Anand and Nagayoshi, Sanetake, "Towards Implementing an Effective Checklist for Information Delivery in On-Demand Education" (2021). PACIS 2021 Proceedings. 87.
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