PACIS 2021 Proceedings
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The discovery of business process information in natural language documents is challenging, as natural language can be ambiguous and unclear at times. This can become even more challenging with information on such processes displayed in dif erent ways throughout their documentation, and spread out between dif erent documents. This issue is very critical in complex process domains, such as healthcare, which commonly involve stakeholders in multiple layers. This work presents an approach to the discovery of healthcare processes from spread out, natural language documentation. A case study on COVID-19 is presented using this approach.
Recommended Citation
de Moreira Bohnenberger, Nicolas Mauro; Ceolin Schmitt, Alessandra; and Thom, Lucinéia Heloisa, "Discovering Healthcare Processes from Natural Language Documents: a case study on COVID-19" (2021). PACIS 2021 Proceedings. 175.
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