PACIS 2020 Proceedings
For sustainable development, supply chains need to simultaneously pursue economic, social, and environmental sustainability goals, collectively known as the triple bottom line (TBL). Touted as a disruptive technology for supply chains to attain sustainability, blockchain had a slow and patchy diffusion. This research-in-progress paper explores how food supply chains (FSCs) can develop affordances from blockchain to address critical challenges and improve the TBL performance. It proposes a conceptual model, based on affordance-actualization theory, linking sustainability critical success factors in the FSC to blockchain-enabled affordances and the resulting TBL improvements. The study offers modest contributions to theory by linking affordances with TBL improvement in the FSC which guides future research in exploring how a blockchain-enabled FSC pursues sustainable development.
Recommended Citation
Yew, Ming Hock; Kurnia, Sherah; Molla, Alem; Ali, Mazen; Ramayah, T; and Rahim, Mahbubur, "Exploring Blockchain for Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain: An Affordance Approach" (2020). PACIS 2020 Proceedings. 52.
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