PACIS 2020 Proceedings


In this paper, we present a systematic literature review on the insider criminal and malicious misuse of information systems (IS) in organizations. The objective of the paper is to understand the insider’s motivations and preventive strategies for the criminal and malicious misuse of IS in organizations. This is to identify research gaps that can go a step further and guide future study by providing a research agenda. To do this, we leverage some databases that houses the “pertinent academic IS journals”, and conference papers from 1990-2018 in order to capture studies in relation to our review objective. For analyzing and organizing the review findings, we adopted a concept-centric approach. Thus, based on the findings, we presented a model that describe the motivations and preventive strategies associated with the insider criminal and malicious misuse of IS in organizations. Following the model, a research gap was identified and suggestion for future study was recommended.



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