Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 19 (2020) > Iss. 2

We describe how GSE, a leading Chinese garment company, deployed data analytics to orchestrate a networked organization. Data analytics helps to align partners’ operations with GSE’s goals while simultaneously empowering partners to perform actions that optimize their local outcomes. The GSE case highlights the emerging strategic role of the IT department during the adoption of data analytics. Based on the case analysis, we provide nine recommended actions for using data analytics to orchestrate a networked organization.
Recommended Citation
Du, Wenyu (Derek); Pan, Shan L.; Xie, Kang; and Xiao, Jinghua
"Data Analytics Contributes to Better Decision-Making Beyond Organizational Boundaries,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 19:
2, Article 5.
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