
The Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems


The Summer 2014 issue contains articles that address issues that have become both timely and important. As universities deal with budget reductions and reorganizations it can be stressful on faculty and staff. Authors Floyd and Yerby apply research about ethical work climates and the impact on job satisfaction among information systems faculty. They present their results and also offer insights into further investigations.

Rahman deals with temporal aspects of data warehouses. “Big data” continues to grow in popularity and research interest so issues related to temporal characteristics of data in data warehouses will become increasingly important. This article provides implementation approaches that will be especially beneficial among heterogeneous data sources.

Project management course enrollments have recently surged. However, online offerings for project management might face more challenges – such as teaching effective teamwork – than other courses making the transition from face-to-face to online. Tabatabaei offers both theory and practical insights in this article.

As always, I encourage you to reach out to the authors and engage them in conversations about their research. The dialog between researchers should not end with the publication of an article, publication should simulate continued dialog. Enjoy this issue’s articles.

George Schell, Editor
