
The Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems


JSAIS Special Issue Editors

Call for Papers

 “Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse”



Michael J. Cuellar, Georgia Southern University

Christopher Kreider, Christopher Newport University

Craig Van Slyke, Louisiana Technological University

Bernie Farkas, University of Tampa

Contact: mcuellar@georgiasouthern.edu with any questions


 Deadlines and Events

September 08, 2023

Deadline for Papers to Attend the Workshop

September 22, 2023

Workshop in the MetaVerse for Initial responses

October 15, 2023

Deadline for First Round Submission

December 15, 2023

Notification of 1st Round Review

February 1, 2024

2nd Round Submission

March 15, 2024

Notification of Final Decisions


Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse (VWM) are technologies with recent developments in hardware and software.  Within these virtual worlds, one can attempt to faithfully recreate the physical world around us as we know it in the digital space or build the new and novel.  As we enter and explore these digital worlds, new doors open for research in many areas. How do existing theories change in VWM or do they work at all? Are new theories needed? How can VWM be used in various fields? In this call, we are looking for research that explores how our knowledge of the physical world either translates to digital worlds (or does not).

Example topics include:

  • Use of existing theories within the VWM – are existing theories, e.g. TAM, computer mediated communication applicable in VWM? What change is required for use in VWM?
  • Theories of immersion, presence and flow within VWM
  • Use of VWM for education, conferences, tourism etc.
  • Working using VWM
  • Skills needed for work in VWM
  • Using VWM for inclusion and accessibility
  • Case studies of the use of VWM
  • Security and privacy and intellectual property rights in VWM
  • Ethical issues arising from VWM
  • New technologies for VWM


JSAIS Special Issue Submission

Articles submitted to should not exceed 12 pages, including all text, the abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text. The abstract should be no more than 150 words and should describe the overall focus of your manuscript.

Articles should be accompanied by a short biographical sketch containing, in the following order: your current position and affiliation; current research interests; highest academic degree, area of study, and institution; professional affiliations; and postal and email addresses.


Workshop in the Metaverse

Interested authors are invited, but not required, to submit initial work to a special workshop hosted by the special issue editors. At this workshop, the authors will provide feedback to each other and receive feedback from the special issue editors. In line with the theme of the special issue, the workshop will be held in SecondLife™, the most prominent example of the metaverse. Initial work should be submitted by September 8. The workshop will be held September 22.

Submissions to the workshop may be complete papers or extended abstracts. Abstracts should be 3-5 pages with enough detail for us to understand the motivation, research question, methodology and expected contribution.