
Covid 19 presents a major challenge and opportunity for remote work-

ing, highlighting the need for electronically mediated leadership in team tasks

and performance. The social dynamics underlying the leadership benefits of con-

flict management in Virtual Teams (VTs) remain elusive thus far. This study fo-

cuses on the leader's conflict management dynamics in VTs. From the perspec-

tive of leadership as a solution to social problems, we argue that leadership is

related to functional team problem solving solution-oriented, framed within the

digital leadership and conflict management literature. Therefore, the authors for-

mulated the following research questions to guide the analysis to conduct the

bibliometric study: What is the current extent and analysis of research on the

relationship between leadership and conflict in VTs? Who are the most influential

authors and articles in the field of leadership and conflict in VTs? How have

keywords and topics related to leadership and conflict evolved in VTs and what

are the implications for future research? Some of the responses emerged from our

review of the existing literature on VTs; others are rooted in the team's larger

literature or discussed within the VTs practitioner literature. Within the domain

of VTs, technological innovation is reshaping team interactions, enabling previ-

ously disconnected individuals to collaborate. As a result, VTs hold great promise

for organizations and the field continues to be filled with re-search opportunities

for the next few decades. Our analysis affirms the increasing interest in this topic

and marks an initial exploratory phase of the literature study, guiding future re-

search steps.
