
In this systematic literature review of 50 academic papers, this study delves into the factors influencing the adoption and success of cryptocurrencies. These factors are categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic perspectives. Intrinsic aspects relate to the inherent properties of cryptocurrencies. As a unique technol- ogy, the perceived benefits mainly derive from the innovative blockchain foun- dation. As a monetary form, the appeal lies in perceived economic advantages and the ideological draw of a new financial order. Extrinsic factors cover market dynamics and individual traits. Market elements such as regulatory structures, network effects from growing adoption, and supporting technologies foster cryp- tocurrency usage. Personal attributes like curiosity, risk tolerance, financial knowledge, and tech proficiency profoundly impact an individual's propensity to embrace cryptocurrencies. This research presents a detailed framework of these intertwined factors, providing critical insights for various stakeholders in the cryptocurrency realm, facilitating informed decision-making.
