
This study provided a novel contribution drawing upon justice theory

to unravel the relationship between justice, security, and expectation confirma-

tion vis-à-vis consumer satisfaction – and subsequently, word of mouth and

consumer satisfaction impact on complaint intention during eShopping from

Amazon eCommerce marketplace in the European context. The online survey

was used to collect data from eShoppers of Tech-products from Amazon after

the surge of COVID-19. In total, 316 responses data were subjected to reliabil-

ity and validity analysis, along with the PLs algorithm and bootstrap signifi-

cance analysis to validate the structural relationships. Justice was a second-

order reflective construct with three latent constructs (procedural, distributive,

and interactional justice). A significant positive relationship was found between

justice, security, and consumer satisfaction—similarly, word of mouth and con-

sumer satisfaction account for a positive significant impact on complaint inten-

tion. The framework is a novel contribution towards eCommerce DSC and pro-

vides implications for DSC managers and eVendors to evaluate the eShoppers

concerns in digital social exchange, particularly after COVID-19.
