
Large Scale Agile (LSA) projects present unique challenges in maintaining a positive and sustainable work environment. This study examines the social sustainability factors that influence the LSA project. A multiple case study approach was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with software professionals working in three Swedish IT companies. Thematic analysis revealed a network of interrelated eight factors that impact social sustainability in LSA projects, including trust and communication, learning culture, self-organisation, decision-making, leadership behaviour, and psychological safety. This study emphasises the human-centred aspects that are crucial for the successful implementation of LSA projects and the enhancement of social sustainability.

Recommended Citation

Ahmad, M.O. & Gustavsson, T. (2024). Social Sustainability and Large-Scale Agile Software Development. In B. Marcinkowski, A. Przybylek, A. Jarzębowicz, N. Iivari, E. Insfran, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era (ISD2024 Proceedings). Gdańsk, Poland: University of Gdańsk. ISBN: 978-83-972632-0-8. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2024.98

Paper Type






Social Sustainability and Large-Scale Agile Software Development

Large Scale Agile (LSA) projects present unique challenges in maintaining a positive and sustainable work environment. This study examines the social sustainability factors that influence the LSA project. A multiple case study approach was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with software professionals working in three Swedish IT companies. Thematic analysis revealed a network of interrelated eight factors that impact social sustainability in LSA projects, including trust and communication, learning culture, self-organisation, decision-making, leadership behaviour, and psychological safety. This study emphasises the human-centred aspects that are crucial for the successful implementation of LSA projects and the enhancement of social sustainability.