
This paper presents a developer’s overview of the Thertact system that combines virtual reality, brain-computer-interface and thermal-tactile stimulation in a gait training simulator for a reha- bilitation protocol focused in promoting neurological recovery in spinal cord injured patients. We describe each part of the system, with special focus on aspects that have impact on the resulting overall sense of embodiment. The system comprises innovative aspects, such as the simulation of exoskeleton gait movement and thermal-tactile haptic feedback, and have shown promising results on a first case study with one patient in real hospital setting.

Recommended Citation

Perrota, A., C. S. Cardoso, J., Gaspar, P., Palminha, L., Pais-Vieira, C., Matos, D., & Pais-Vieira, M. (2023). Thertact-System: A Virtual Reality Exoskeleton Gait Training Simulator Controlled by Brain-Computer Interface. In A. R. da Silva, M. M. da Silva, J. Estima, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development, Organizational Aspects and Societal Trends (ISD2023 Proceedings). Lisbon, Portugal: Instituto Superior Técnico. ISBN: 978-989-33-5509-1. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2023.55

Paper Type

Full Paper





Thertact-System: A Virtual Reality Exoskeleton Gait Training Simulator Controlled by Brain-Computer Interface

This paper presents a developer’s overview of the Thertact system that combines virtual reality, brain-computer-interface and thermal-tactile stimulation in a gait training simulator for a reha- bilitation protocol focused in promoting neurological recovery in spinal cord injured patients. We describe each part of the system, with special focus on aspects that have impact on the resulting overall sense of embodiment. The system comprises innovative aspects, such as the simulation of exoskeleton gait movement and thermal-tactile haptic feedback, and have shown promising results on a first case study with one patient in real hospital setting.