
This article presents a practical research project aimed at developing a method for automatically generating smart contracts from business models. The project has as a context the logistics in- dustry and uses Hyperledger Fabric as the blockchain (BC) platform. The main contributions are a mapping from DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) language to Hyperledger Chaincode using GO language, as well as an evolution of DEMO’s Action Model Grammar, that enable specification of elements necessary for automatic SC generation. The proposed approach extends the DEMO methodology so that it includes an SC concern, enabling the generation of reusable action rule specifications and other elements necessary for SC genera- tion. Our research contributes to combining the strengths of the DEMO methodology and smart contracts. The design and implementation considerations of this approach are discussed in de- tail, and the results can be applied in future business cases requiring enterprise interoperability supported by distributed ledger technology.

Recommended Citation

Aveiro, D., Abreu, L., Pinto, D., & Freitas, V. (2023). DEMO Models Based Automatic Smart Contract Generation: A Case in Logistics Using Hyperledger. In A. R. da Silva, M. M. da Silva, J. Estima, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development, Organizational Aspects and Societal Trends (ISD2023 Proceedings). Lisbon, Portugal: Instituto Superior Técnico. ISBN: 978-989-33-5509-1. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2023.18

Paper Type

Full Paper





DEMO Models Based Automatic Smart Contract Generation: A Case in Logistics Using Hyperledger

This article presents a practical research project aimed at developing a method for automatically generating smart contracts from business models. The project has as a context the logistics in- dustry and uses Hyperledger Fabric as the blockchain (BC) platform. The main contributions are a mapping from DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) language to Hyperledger Chaincode using GO language, as well as an evolution of DEMO’s Action Model Grammar, that enable specification of elements necessary for automatic SC generation. The proposed approach extends the DEMO methodology so that it includes an SC concern, enabling the generation of reusable action rule specifications and other elements necessary for SC genera- tion. Our research contributes to combining the strengths of the DEMO methodology and smart contracts. The design and implementation considerations of this approach are discussed in de- tail, and the results can be applied in future business cases requiring enterprise interoperability supported by distributed ledger technology.