
Sustainable development implies resource management that simultaneously guarantees the satisfaction of the present and future generations, considering the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. This paper proposes an approach to quantitatively assess software products' sustainability quality based on a library of requirements (i.e., general goals) considered as criteria in a multicriteria evaluation and analysis. To increase the environmental sustainability of software products, we argue that it is fundamental to comparatively evaluate them, identify the ones most in need of change, and quickly adapt existing products effectively and efficiently.

Recommended Citation

Carvalho, R. D. & da Silva, A. R. (2022). Towards the Evaluation of Software Products from an Environmental Sustainability Perspective . In R. A. Buchmann, G. C. Silaghi, D. Bufnea, V. Niculescu, G. Czibula, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations (ISD2022 Proceedings). Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Risoprint. ISBN: 978-973-53-2917-4. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2022.55

Paper Type

Short Paper



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Towards the Evaluation of Software Products from an Environmental Sustainability Perspective

Sustainable development implies resource management that simultaneously guarantees the satisfaction of the present and future generations, considering the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. This paper proposes an approach to quantitatively assess software products' sustainability quality based on a library of requirements (i.e., general goals) considered as criteria in a multicriteria evaluation and analysis. To increase the environmental sustainability of software products, we argue that it is fundamental to comparatively evaluate them, identify the ones most in need of change, and quickly adapt existing products effectively and efficiently.