Requirements and tests written in natural languages are very popular, but also lead to ambiguities and misunderstandings. One way to diminish these problems is by using controlled natural languages, such as the RSL (Requirements Specification Language), that is used in this research. This paper proposes an approach that involves the generation of test suites and test cases from use cases and structured scenarios, all of them specified in that common language. This approach includes an additional task, in which users can manually refine and customize the generated test suites, consequently promoting automation and re-usability but also flexibility. The feasibility of the discussed approach is illustrated and discussed based on an e-commerce web site, properly designed for testing purposes.
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Generating Test Cases from Use Cases and Structured Scenarios: Experiences with the RSL Language
Requirements and tests written in natural languages are very popular, but also lead to ambiguities and misunderstandings. One way to diminish these problems is by using controlled natural languages, such as the RSL (Requirements Specification Language), that is used in this research. This paper proposes an approach that involves the generation of test suites and test cases from use cases and structured scenarios, all of them specified in that common language. This approach includes an additional task, in which users can manually refine and customize the generated test suites, consequently promoting automation and re-usability but also flexibility. The feasibility of the discussed approach is illustrated and discussed based on an e-commerce web site, properly designed for testing purposes.
Recommended Citation
Gomes, A.C., Paiva, A. C. R., & da Silva, A. (2021). Generating Test Cases from Use Cases and Structured Scenarios: Experiences with the RSL Language. In E. Insfran, F. González, S. Abrahão, M. Fernández, C. Barry, H. Linger, M. Lang, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.