
While DevOps combines software development and information technology operations to optimize the development life cycle of a quality information system, DesignOps combines usability engineering, participatory design, and information technology to guarantee the design quality, thus affecting the whole life cycle. However, the transition between DesignOps and DevOps is too often a synonym of disruption: the results of the design phase is almost trashed and a new development starts. In order to ensure a smooth transition from DesignOps to DevOps, we argue that the participatory design should go hand in hand with the development: what you design is what you develop. This transition will be exemplified on a family of information systems to be operated by gestures (2D stroke gestures on a surface and 3D mid-air gestures).

Recommended Citation

Vanderdonckt, J. (2021). Gesture-Based Information Systems: From DesignOps to DevOps. In E. Insfran, F. González, S. Abrahão, M. Fernández, C. Barry, H. Linger, M. Lang, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.

Paper Type

Keynote Presentation



Gesture-Based Information Systems: From DesignOps to DevOps

While DevOps combines software development and information technology operations to optimize the development life cycle of a quality information system, DesignOps combines usability engineering, participatory design, and information technology to guarantee the design quality, thus affecting the whole life cycle. However, the transition between DesignOps and DevOps is too often a synonym of disruption: the results of the design phase is almost trashed and a new development starts. In order to ensure a smooth transition from DesignOps to DevOps, we argue that the participatory design should go hand in hand with the development: what you design is what you develop. This transition will be exemplified on a family of information systems to be operated by gestures (2D stroke gestures on a surface and 3D mid-air gestures).