
Current eLearning systems are increasingly used by both students and professors, considering the various facilities they offer. In the field of computer science, these eLearning platforms need to provide integrated program editors with facilities for compiling and running them. We propose a creative architecture of an eLearning system for Python which comes with new facilities related to the possibility to create content (lessons, exercises, content, and tests) inside of this platform. Thus, the professors can fully prepare their lessons and homework on our CSP (computer science platform) platform via the web interface. Similarly, the students can access this content via the platform and can solve their homework in this special space. Depending on the number of users the allocated resources dynamically change in order to ensure the proper functioning of the application, trying to keep lower operative costs.

Recommended Citation

Alexandru, D., Iftene, A. & Gîfu, D. (2019). Using New Technologies to Learn Programming Languages. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.

Paper Type




Using New Technologies to Learn Programming Languages

Current eLearning systems are increasingly used by both students and professors, considering the various facilities they offer. In the field of computer science, these eLearning platforms need to provide integrated program editors with facilities for compiling and running them. We propose a creative architecture of an eLearning system for Python which comes with new facilities related to the possibility to create content (lessons, exercises, content, and tests) inside of this platform. Thus, the professors can fully prepare their lessons and homework on our CSP (computer science platform) platform via the web interface. Similarly, the students can access this content via the platform and can solve their homework in this special space. Depending on the number of users the allocated resources dynamically change in order to ensure the proper functioning of the application, trying to keep lower operative costs.