
Recipient’s Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) remains an under-researched barrier to knowledge transfer in organisations. The Technology Readiness (TR) dimensions appear to align with individual ACAP as it measures an individual's propensity to use technology. Hence, this research-in-progress discusses that the TR dimensions correlate to individual ACAP. As universities are centres of knowledge generation and its transfer, they are an ideal context for this research. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is developed that serves as a basis for deriving knowledge transfer, aimed at achieving individuals technology absorptive capacity.

Recommended Citation

Dolmark, T., Sohaib, O. & Beydoun, G. (2019). The Effect of Technology Readiness on Individual Absorptive Capacity for Knowledge Transfer. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.

Paper Type




The Effect of Technology Readiness on Individual Absorptive Capacity for Knowledge Transfer

Recipient’s Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) remains an under-researched barrier to knowledge transfer in organisations. The Technology Readiness (TR) dimensions appear to align with individual ACAP as it measures an individual's propensity to use technology. Hence, this research-in-progress discusses that the TR dimensions correlate to individual ACAP. As universities are centres of knowledge generation and its transfer, they are an ideal context for this research. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is developed that serves as a basis for deriving knowledge transfer, aimed at achieving individuals technology absorptive capacity.