
The insurance industry in Finland is making a shift towards providing proactive healthcare services. Increasing availability of health data can provide means for creating personalized healthcare services. However, insurance companies are facing obstacles to access health data. This paper presents a case study of a large Finnish insurance company that is currently dealing with barriers of access during their transition to a more proactive organization. We identified nine barriers which fall into three categories – institutional, legislation, and use and participation. By identifying these barriers, we reveal critical factors for companies that seek to make use of their customers’ health data are likely to face.

Recommended Citation

Grundstrom, C., Väyrynen, K., Persson, M., & Isomursu, M. (2018). Health Data Access Barriers in a Finnish Insurance Company: A Case Study. In B. Andersson, B. Johansson, S. Carlsson, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Designing Digitalization (ISD2018 Proceedings). Lund, Sweden: Lund University. ISBN: 978-91-7753-876-9. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2018/Transforming/3.

Paper Type




Health Data Access Barriers in a Finnish Insurance Company: A Case Study

The insurance industry in Finland is making a shift towards providing proactive healthcare services. Increasing availability of health data can provide means for creating personalized healthcare services. However, insurance companies are facing obstacles to access health data. This paper presents a case study of a large Finnish insurance company that is currently dealing with barriers of access during their transition to a more proactive organization. We identified nine barriers which fall into three categories – institutional, legislation, and use and participation. By identifying these barriers, we reveal critical factors for companies that seek to make use of their customers’ health data are likely to face.