
We demonstrate how boundary spanning and knowledge brokering as a dual approach support the organizational agility of a software development company. We present the case of an organizational unit whose members engage in both activities within as well as between the company and its environment. We analyze the team’s and its members’ approach and identify well functioning practices as well as challenges and problems and contribute to an improved understanding of an intertwined strategy of boundary spanning and knowledge brokering to provide a balancing mechanism between flexibility and stability, which characterize organizational agility to effectively respond to changes in the environment while simultaneously being efficient and productive.

Recommended Citation

Rosenkranz, C. & Kautz, K. (2014). Supporting Organizational Agility in a Software Company through Boundary Spanning and Knowledge Brokering. In V. Strahonja, N. Vrček., D. Plantak Vukovac, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Transforming Organisations and Society through Information Systems (ISD2014 Proceedings). Varaždin, Croatia: Faculty of Organization and Informatics. ISBN: 978-953-6071-43-2. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings/ReshapingOrganisations/6.

Paper Type




Supporting Organizational Agility in a Software Company through Boundary Spanning and Knowledge Brokering

We demonstrate how boundary spanning and knowledge brokering as a dual approach support the organizational agility of a software development company. We present the case of an organizational unit whose members engage in both activities within as well as between the company and its environment. We analyze the team’s and its members’ approach and identify well functioning practices as well as challenges and problems and contribute to an improved understanding of an intertwined strategy of boundary spanning and knowledge brokering to provide a balancing mechanism between flexibility and stability, which characterize organizational agility to effectively respond to changes in the environment while simultaneously being efficient and productive.