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Price fluctuation is a major concern for consumers in making travel plans, such as booking flights or hotels. Thus, consumers tend to hesitate over whether to make a booking or not. Online travel booking platforms such as Kayak, Hopper, and Google Flights, have been adopting various digital nudges to influence consumers’ price expectations. For example, they may inform users that “Prices are unlikely to decrease within 7 days” (reassurance) or “Prices may rise within 7 days” (alert). Despite the pervasive adoption of reassurance and alert nudges in online travel booking, little is known about how they influence consumers’ price expectations and travel booking behavior, and why. We plan to conduct a lab experiment and a randomized field experiment in collaboration with a leading travel metasearch platform to investigate how digital nudges like reassurance and alert may affect individuals’ emotions, price expectations, and subsequent online travel booking behavior.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Unlocking the Psychology of Online Travel Booking: How Price Expectations Affect Consumers

Price fluctuation is a major concern for consumers in making travel plans, such as booking flights or hotels. Thus, consumers tend to hesitate over whether to make a booking or not. Online travel booking platforms such as Kayak, Hopper, and Google Flights, have been adopting various digital nudges to influence consumers’ price expectations. For example, they may inform users that “Prices are unlikely to decrease within 7 days” (reassurance) or “Prices may rise within 7 days” (alert). Despite the pervasive adoption of reassurance and alert nudges in online travel booking, little is known about how they influence consumers’ price expectations and travel booking behavior, and why. We plan to conduct a lab experiment and a randomized field experiment in collaboration with a leading travel metasearch platform to investigate how digital nudges like reassurance and alert may affect individuals’ emotions, price expectations, and subsequent online travel booking behavior.

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