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Social media has become a valuable information source for crisis informatics. While various methods were proposed to extract relevant information during a crisis, their adoption by field practitioners remains low. In recent fieldwork, actionable information was identified as the primary information need for crisis responders and a key component in bridging the significant gap in existing crisis management tools. In this paper, we proposed a Crisis Actionability Extraction System for filtering, classification, phrase extraction, severity estimation, localization, and aggregation of actionable information altogether. We examined the effectiveness of transformer-based LSTM-CRF architecture in Twitter-related sequence tagging tasks and simultaneously extracted actionable information such as situational details and crisis impact via Multi-Task Learning. We demonstrated the system’s practical value in a case study of a real-world crisis and showed its effectiveness in aiding crisis responders with making well-informed decisions, mitigating risks, and navigating the complexities of the crisis.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Transformer-Based Multi-Task Learning for Crisis Actionability Extraction

Social media has become a valuable information source for crisis informatics. While various methods were proposed to extract relevant information during a crisis, their adoption by field practitioners remains low. In recent fieldwork, actionable information was identified as the primary information need for crisis responders and a key component in bridging the significant gap in existing crisis management tools. In this paper, we proposed a Crisis Actionability Extraction System for filtering, classification, phrase extraction, severity estimation, localization, and aggregation of actionable information altogether. We examined the effectiveness of transformer-based LSTM-CRF architecture in Twitter-related sequence tagging tasks and simultaneously extracted actionable information such as situational details and crisis impact via Multi-Task Learning. We demonstrated the system’s practical value in a case study of a real-world crisis and showed its effectiveness in aiding crisis responders with making well-informed decisions, mitigating risks, and navigating the complexities of the crisis.

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