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Within the IS discipline, the concept of fairness as a determinant for social good recently gained attention. However, a comprehensive understanding of the influence of different fairness dimensions on user perceptions and their adoption intention of new technologies is missing. Based on fairness research, the FAIRSERV model, and the technology acceptance model, we derived a research model to study how users’ fairness perceptions along different dimensions influence their adoption intentions in the context of online services. We tested our model in an online experiment with 407 participants. Our results show that perceived distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness positively influence users’ perceived overall fairness regarding an online service, which, in return, positively influences their adoption intentions. We contribute to IS research by shedding light on the societal impact of fairness in the context of adopting new digital services. Practitioners can utilize our findings to improve their service offerings.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Doing Well by Doing Fair? Investigating the Effect of Users’ Fairness Perceptions on Adoption Intentions of Services

Within the IS discipline, the concept of fairness as a determinant for social good recently gained attention. However, a comprehensive understanding of the influence of different fairness dimensions on user perceptions and their adoption intention of new technologies is missing. Based on fairness research, the FAIRSERV model, and the technology acceptance model, we derived a research model to study how users’ fairness perceptions along different dimensions influence their adoption intentions in the context of online services. We tested our model in an online experiment with 407 participants. Our results show that perceived distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness positively influence users’ perceived overall fairness regarding an online service, which, in return, positively influences their adoption intentions. We contribute to IS research by shedding light on the societal impact of fairness in the context of adopting new digital services. Practitioners can utilize our findings to improve their service offerings.

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