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Amidst growing concerns about ChatGPT-facilitated academic misconduct, universities are grappling with laying out clear guidelines, leaving students and academics in a state of confusion. In this milieu, the study delves into students' perspectives to investigate their engagement with ChatGPT thus far, using Grounded Theory Method to analyze their behavior. Our findings reveal that ChatGPT can significantly enhance learning experiences when used appropriately. The tool's conversational abilities allow students to tailor their interactions, fostering personalized learning and promoting inclusivity. However, a multitude of factors, including sociocultural influences, academic context-driven skepticism, and the tool's limitations, shape students' interactions with ChatGPT. Our study highlights the opportunities ChatGPT presents for technology-enhanced learning while acknowledging the challenges it poses to the academic landscape, paving the way for better-informed policies on the use of AI in higher education.
Recommended Citation
Katavic, Rio; Pahuja, Aseem; and Syed, Tahir Abbas, "Navigating the Use of ChatGPT in Classrooms: A Study of Student Experiences" (2023). ICIS 2023 Proceedings. 15.
Navigating the Use of ChatGPT in Classrooms: A Study of Student Experiences
Amidst growing concerns about ChatGPT-facilitated academic misconduct, universities are grappling with laying out clear guidelines, leaving students and academics in a state of confusion. In this milieu, the study delves into students' perspectives to investigate their engagement with ChatGPT thus far, using Grounded Theory Method to analyze their behavior. Our findings reveal that ChatGPT can significantly enhance learning experiences when used appropriately. The tool's conversational abilities allow students to tailor their interactions, fostering personalized learning and promoting inclusivity. However, a multitude of factors, including sociocultural influences, academic context-driven skepticism, and the tool's limitations, shape students' interactions with ChatGPT. Our study highlights the opportunities ChatGPT presents for technology-enhanced learning while acknowledging the challenges it poses to the academic landscape, paving the way for better-informed policies on the use of AI in higher education.
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