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The emergence of the metaverse as a virtual world platform has opened up new possibilities for the use of immersive technologies in healthcare. This paper aims to explore the potential of the metaverse for healthcare and show how metaverse should be designed. We conduct a study based on design science research and derive design principles for the designing of a virtual environment for mental health counselling. We evaluate each of these design principles and describe how they can be applied in a practical solution. The results indicate that the metaverse holds significant promise for improving healthcare delivery and enhancing patient outcomes. Our study thus contributes to the emerging field of metaverse in healthcare by providing a design approach for the development of applications that can serve as a virtual environment for therapeutic sessions between medical therapists and patients.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Visit Your Therapist in Metaverse - Designing a Virtual Environment for Mental Health Counselling

The emergence of the metaverse as a virtual world platform has opened up new possibilities for the use of immersive technologies in healthcare. This paper aims to explore the potential of the metaverse for healthcare and show how metaverse should be designed. We conduct a study based on design science research and derive design principles for the designing of a virtual environment for mental health counselling. We evaluate each of these design principles and describe how they can be applied in a practical solution. The results indicate that the metaverse holds significant promise for improving healthcare delivery and enhancing patient outcomes. Our study thus contributes to the emerging field of metaverse in healthcare by providing a design approach for the development of applications that can serve as a virtual environment for therapeutic sessions between medical therapists and patients.

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