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This study represents ongoing research to investigate the impact of self-avatar beautification on consumers’ willingness to pay for products virtually tried on with a beautified avatar. Avatars are the primary means of representing users in the rapidly growing market for commercial metaverse applications, such as apparel and accessories try-on. Based on self-congruity theory and appraisal theory, we argue that beautified self-avatars are congruent with users' ideal selves and elicit identification and positive emotions, resulting in increased willingness to pay. We present preliminary findings that support the notion that beautified avatars promote the ideal self and result in greater willingness to pay than realistic avatars. With these findings we contribute to research on avatar design and commerce in metaverses, by challenging the recognised notion that self-avatars should be as realistic as possible and establishing avatar beautification as a novel design objective in metaverse marketing.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

I Look Great! Beautified Self-Avatars' Effects on Willingness-To-Pay in Metaverses

This study represents ongoing research to investigate the impact of self-avatar beautification on consumers’ willingness to pay for products virtually tried on with a beautified avatar. Avatars are the primary means of representing users in the rapidly growing market for commercial metaverse applications, such as apparel and accessories try-on. Based on self-congruity theory and appraisal theory, we argue that beautified self-avatars are congruent with users' ideal selves and elicit identification and positive emotions, resulting in increased willingness to pay. We present preliminary findings that support the notion that beautified avatars promote the ideal self and result in greater willingness to pay than realistic avatars. With these findings we contribute to research on avatar design and commerce in metaverses, by challenging the recognised notion that self-avatars should be as realistic as possible and establishing avatar beautification as a novel design objective in metaverse marketing.

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