AI in Business and Society

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Conversation agents have been attracting increased attention in IS research and increased adoption in practice. They provide an AI-driven conversation-like interface and tap into the anthropomorphism bias of its users. There has been extensive research on improving this effect for over a decade since increased anthropomorphism leads to increased service satisfaction, trust, and other effects on the user. This work examines the current state of research regarding anthropomorphism and anthropomorphic design to guide future research. It utilizes a modified structured literature analysis to extract and classify the examined constructs and their relationships in the hypotheses of current literature. We provide an overview of current research, highlighting focus areas. Based on our results, we formulate several open research questions and provide the IS community with directions for future research.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

“Look Closer” Anthropomorphic Design and Perception of Anthropomorphism in Conversational Agent Research

Conversation agents have been attracting increased attention in IS research and increased adoption in practice. They provide an AI-driven conversation-like interface and tap into the anthropomorphism bias of its users. There has been extensive research on improving this effect for over a decade since increased anthropomorphism leads to increased service satisfaction, trust, and other effects on the user. This work examines the current state of research regarding anthropomorphism and anthropomorphic design to guide future research. It utilizes a modified structured literature analysis to extract and classify the examined constructs and their relationships in the hypotheses of current literature. We provide an overview of current research, highlighting focus areas. Based on our results, we formulate several open research questions and provide the IS community with directions for future research.

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