AI in Business and Society

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Algorithms are being implemented to aid human decision-making and most studies on human-algorithm interactions focus on how to improve human-algorithm cooperation. However, excessive reliance on algorithms in decision-making may hinder the complementary value of humans and algorithms. There is a lack of empirical evidence on the impacts of human-algorithm consensus in collaborative decision-making. To address this gap, this paper reports a large-scale field experiment conducted by one of China's largest logistics firms in the context of route scheduling. The experiment involved assigning routes to either a treatment group, where algorithms and human operators collaborated in decision-making, or a control group, where human operators made decisions independently. We plan to collect data to evaluate the effects of algorithm implementation and to analyze the patterns and effects of human-algorithm consensus in a long-term cooperation. Our study aims to contribute to the literature on human-algorithm interactions in operational decisions.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Dynamics and Impacts of Human-Algorithm Consensus in Logistics Scheduling: Evidence from A Field Experiment

Algorithms are being implemented to aid human decision-making and most studies on human-algorithm interactions focus on how to improve human-algorithm cooperation. However, excessive reliance on algorithms in decision-making may hinder the complementary value of humans and algorithms. There is a lack of empirical evidence on the impacts of human-algorithm consensus in collaborative decision-making. To address this gap, this paper reports a large-scale field experiment conducted by one of China's largest logistics firms in the context of route scheduling. The experiment involved assigning routes to either a treatment group, where algorithms and human operators collaborated in decision-making, or a control group, where human operators made decisions independently. We plan to collect data to evaluate the effects of algorithm implementation and to analyze the patterns and effects of human-algorithm consensus in a long-term cooperation. Our study aims to contribute to the literature on human-algorithm interactions in operational decisions.

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