Paper ID
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a collection of artifacts describing various aspects of an organization from an integrated business and IT perspective. EA practice is an organizational activity that implies using EA artifacts for facilitating decision-making and improving business and IT alignment. EA practice involves numerous participants ranging from C-level executives to IT project teams and effective engagement between these stakeholders and architects is critically important for success. However, the notion of engagement has received insufficient attention in the EA literature and the problem of establishing engagement has not been examined in detail. Based on a single in-depth case study, this paper explores the problem of achieving engagement in EA practice. Using the grounded theory method, we identify 16 direct and two indirect inhibitors of engagement and unify them into a holistic conceptual model. The model explains how the inhibitors of engagement undermine the ability to realize value from practicing EA.
Recommended Citation
Kotusev, Svyatoslav and Kurnia, Sherah, "The Problem of Engagement in Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study" (2019). ICIS 2019 Proceedings. 18.
The Problem of Engagement in Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a collection of artifacts describing various aspects of an organization from an integrated business and IT perspective. EA practice is an organizational activity that implies using EA artifacts for facilitating decision-making and improving business and IT alignment. EA practice involves numerous participants ranging from C-level executives to IT project teams and effective engagement between these stakeholders and architects is critically important for success. However, the notion of engagement has received insufficient attention in the EA literature and the problem of establishing engagement has not been examined in detail. Based on a single in-depth case study, this paper explores the problem of achieving engagement in EA practice. Using the grounded theory method, we identify 16 direct and two indirect inhibitors of engagement and unify them into a holistic conceptual model. The model explains how the inhibitors of engagement undermine the ability to realize value from practicing EA.