ICIS 2013 ISBN: 978-0-615-93383-2

Richard Baskerville
Georgia State University

Michael Chau
University of Hong Kong
Welcome from the 2013 ICIS Program Chairs
The 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) will be the world's premier information systems conference for 2013. The conference theme, "Reshaping Society through Information Systems Design," is intended to promote the development of new knowledge about how the design of information systems is affecting our societies on a scale that ranges from small social groups to the collectives of national and global society.
For more information on the conference program, please click here.

Richard Baskerville
Georgia State University

Michael Chau
University of Hong Kong
Browse the contents of ICIS 2013 Proceedings:
- Sample Track (topics)
- 1. Conference Theme Track: Reshaping Society Through Information Systems Design
- 2. Breakthrough Ideas in IS
- 3. Business Process Management
- 4. Curriculum and Education in IS
- 5. E-Business and Competitive Strategy
- 6. Economics and the Value of IS
- 7. Engaged Scholarship through IS Design and Action
- 8. Global and Cultural Issues in IS
- 9. Governance and Management of IS
- 10. Healthcare Information Systems
- 11. Human Behavior and IS
- 12. Human-Computer Interaction
- 13. IT Artifact
- 14. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
- 15. Organization and IS
- 16. Project Management and IS Development
- 17. Research Methods and Philosophy
- 18. Security and Privacy of Information and IS
- 19. Service Management and IS
- 20. General IS Topics
- 21. Panels
- 22. Research In Progress
- 23. Senior Scholars Forum