Track Chairs
Dirk S. Hovorka, University of Sydney, Australia,
Benjamin Mueller, University of Bremen, Germany,
Emmanuelle Vaast, McGill University, Canada,

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Friday, June 14th

Engaging Future Ethical Risk: A Mechanisms-Based Approach to Speculative Foresight Within the Context of Corporate Digital Responsibility

Christopher Johnson, University of Bremen

Exploring Digital Futures with Children — Implications for a Future-Oriented IS Research

Netta Iivari, University of Oulu
Heidi Hartikainen, University of Oulu
Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, University of Oulu
Sumita Sharma, University of Oulu
Essi Lehto, University of Oulu
Jenni Holappa, University of Oulu

Human-AI Collaboration in the Metaverse — How to Research the Future of Work?

Shahper Richter, University of Auckland
Alexander Richter, Victoria University of Wellington

Narrative Approach to Futures: Future-Oriented Perspective to Responsible Digital Transformation

Markus Zimmer, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Matti Minkkinen, University of Turku

Practices of Anticipation: How Public Sector Organizations Anticipate Artificial Intelligence and Its Regulation

Fanny Vainionpää, University of Oulu
Karin Väyrynen, University of Oulu
Arto Lanamäki, University of Oulu
Elena Parmiggiani, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Research, Careers, and Greed: An IS Perspective on a Human Failing and How IT Threatens the Future of the Discipline

Tobias Mettler, University of Lausanne