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Complete Research Paper


As social networking sites (SNS) become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, disclosing personal information remains an issue of increasing concern both for practice and research. Despite existing privacy concerns, people paradoxically continue to disclose personal information. IS literature has provided partial explanations for this paradox. However, recent studies have recommended the consideration of spontaneous privacy-related behaviors. The emerging research on IT identity (ITID) – the extent to which an individual views the use of an IT as integral to his or her sense of self – has opened a new window on better explaining IT use behaviors. In this empirical study, we survey 638 Instagram users to explain the role of ITID in the self-disclosure of SNS users. This study contributes to the research by providing a supplementary perspective for the privacy paradox and extending the application of ITID into a new context. This research has practical implications for various stakeholders.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Exploring the Privacy Paradox: The Role of IT Identity in Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites

As social networking sites (SNS) become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, disclosing personal information remains an issue of increasing concern both for practice and research. Despite existing privacy concerns, people paradoxically continue to disclose personal information. IS literature has provided partial explanations for this paradox. However, recent studies have recommended the consideration of spontaneous privacy-related behaviors. The emerging research on IT identity (ITID) – the extent to which an individual views the use of an IT as integral to his or her sense of self – has opened a new window on better explaining IT use behaviors. In this empirical study, we survey 638 Instagram users to explain the role of ITID in the self-disclosure of SNS users. This study contributes to the research by providing a supplementary perspective for the privacy paradox and extending the application of ITID into a new context. This research has practical implications for various stakeholders.

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