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Short Paper


This study advances the field of Green Information Systems (IS) by conceptualizing the role of institutions (humanly devised rules, norms, and beliefs) in sustainability transitions with IS. We propose a framework for understanding how institutional work can support the maintenance, creation, and disruption of institutions, driving individual user-level transitions toward more sustainable behaviors. In addition, we establish a research agenda to guide future academic inquiry in harnessing the promising lens of institutional work in driving the transformative possibilities of Green IS.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda for Harnessing Institutional Work in Green Information Systems

This study advances the field of Green Information Systems (IS) by conceptualizing the role of institutions (humanly devised rules, norms, and beliefs) in sustainability transitions with IS. We propose a framework for understanding how institutional work can support the maintenance, creation, and disruption of institutions, driving individual user-level transitions toward more sustainable behaviors. In addition, we establish a research agenda to guide future academic inquiry in harnessing the promising lens of institutional work in driving the transformative possibilities of Green IS.

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