Track Chairs
Christy MK Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong,
Marten Risius, University of Queensland, Australia,
Tommy Chan, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom,

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Friday, June 14th

A Systematic Review on Responsibility Attribution in AI Service and Human-AI Joint Service

Xin Huang, National University of Singapore
Heng Cheng Suang, National University of Singapore

Anger and Sadness — Coping Strategies to Manage Negative User Interaction on Instagram

Maximilian Haug, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Julia Reiter, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Heiko Gewald, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Digital Exclusion of Migrant Women Induced by Emerging Technologies: A Review of Current Studies and Research Agenda

Avijit Chowdhury, Lund University
Cathy Urquhart, Manchester Metropolitan University

Disentangling the Multifaceted Impact of Matching Policy on Crowdfunding Platforms: Evidence from DonorsChoose

Yiwei Zhang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Na Jiang, Beijing Normal University
Xiaohui Liu, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Eric Lim, University of New South Wales
Chee-Wee Tan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Embracing the Institutional Complexity of IS Design with Democratic Characteristics: A Configurational Study of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Software

Sonja Huotari, The National Audit Office of Finland
Jouni K Juntunen, University of Vaasa

How IT Consumerization Influences Employees' Thriving at Work: From an Adaptation and Fit Perspective

Junling Guo, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mengxiang Li, Hong Kong Baptist University

IT and the Dual Bottom-Line Objective of Rational Social Enterprises

Devina Chaturvedi, Indian School of Business
Prasanna Karhade, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Abhishek Kathuria, Indian School of Business
Arun Rai, Georgia State University
Naresh Naik, IREP Global

It's a Trap!? Causes and Consequences of Filter Bubbles

Moritz Gimnich, University of Bamberg
Christoph Weinert, University of Bamberg
Tim Weitzel, University of Bamberg

The New Marshmallow: The Effects of Screen Use on Children's Ability to Delay Gratification

Benjamin Richardson, University of Georgia
Paul Thomas Fife, University of South Florida
Joseph D. Steed, Indiana University
Caroline Crane, Arizona State University
James Gaskin, Brigham Young University

The Place to Be? Investigating LGBTQ Professionals' Experiences in IT

Hannah Sperling, University of Mannheim

Towards an Ethical Metaverse: A Systematic Literature Review on Privacy Challenges

Runjie Xie, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Jeanine Kirchner-Krath, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Benedikt Morschheuser, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

When Migration Influx Mandates Higher Cybersecurity Maturity, Do Nations Feel Better? A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis

Manimay Dev, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Debashis Saha, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta