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Complete Research Paper


Organizations increasingly need to use shared data from other organizations or share data with others themselves. On the one hand, this results from intrinsic motivation for optimization and value creation. On the other hand, a growing European Union (EU) legislative body on a union and national level requires organizations to engage in inter-organizational data sharing to comply with laws (e.g., the German Supply Chain Act or the EU-wide Data Governance Act (DGA)). Consequently, organizations must identify how they can share data for their purposes and what data they must share to comply with national and union laws. The paper tackles this challenge and identifies inter-organizational data sharing constellations based on 53 data-sharing cases. We use e3-value modeling language to model, understand, analyze, and ultimately represent the data-sharing cases and the resulting basic and generic constellations. Organizations can draw inspiration on how to operationalize data sharing using our findings.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Reaching for the Stars: Exploring Value Constellations in Inter-Organizational Data Sharing

Organizations increasingly need to use shared data from other organizations or share data with others themselves. On the one hand, this results from intrinsic motivation for optimization and value creation. On the other hand, a growing European Union (EU) legislative body on a union and national level requires organizations to engage in inter-organizational data sharing to comply with laws (e.g., the German Supply Chain Act or the EU-wide Data Governance Act (DGA)). Consequently, organizations must identify how they can share data for their purposes and what data they must share to comply with national and union laws. The paper tackles this challenge and identifies inter-organizational data sharing constellations based on 53 data-sharing cases. We use e3-value modeling language to model, understand, analyze, and ultimately represent the data-sharing cases and the resulting basic and generic constellations. Organizations can draw inspiration on how to operationalize data sharing using our findings.

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