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Short Paper


One goal of information systems research is to understand user behavior. In this context, manipulative techniques to control user behavior (e.g., dark patterns) are increasingly used. However, there is a need for clarification regarding these new ways and the phenomena associated with them. This paper addresses user manipulation by proposing that this phenomenon consists of the three dimensions of 1) restriction of autonomy, 2) bad information quality, and 3) the feeling of being tricked. Furthermore, we propose a classification of the consequences of perceived user manipulation and show that different types of manipulation can lead to different outcomes depending on 1) the source of manipulation, 2) the changeability, 3) the reason of perception, and 4) the time of perception. Based on the classification and established theories, research propositions for further research are presented, which could be an important first contribution to the holistic understanding of user manipulation.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

User Manipulation — A Definition, Classification and Future Research Agenda

One goal of information systems research is to understand user behavior. In this context, manipulative techniques to control user behavior (e.g., dark patterns) are increasingly used. However, there is a need for clarification regarding these new ways and the phenomena associated with them. This paper addresses user manipulation by proposing that this phenomenon consists of the three dimensions of 1) restriction of autonomy, 2) bad information quality, and 3) the feeling of being tricked. Furthermore, we propose a classification of the consequences of perceived user manipulation and show that different types of manipulation can lead to different outcomes depending on 1) the source of manipulation, 2) the changeability, 3) the reason of perception, and 4) the time of perception. Based on the classification and established theories, research propositions for further research are presented, which could be an important first contribution to the holistic understanding of user manipulation.

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