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Complete Research Paper


Intelligent agents may become our co-workers. As intelligent agents powered by agentic information systems are acquiring more capabilities, humans consider teaming up with them in ever more circumstances. However, research and practice still face major uncertainties and difficulties when implementing intelligent agents into work systems together with humans. We address the lack of guidance on how to design work systems in which human and intelligent agents can collaborate, by investigating the central aspects that describe the collaboration of human and intelligent agents in work systems. We do so by building on a literature review on human-robot interaction and taking the work system perspective. This results in two contributions. First, we identify 16 important design dimensions of collaboration between human and intelligent agents. Second, we assemble these dimensions into a task-related framework that highlights specific design parameters and important considerations when designing work systems where human and intelligent agents collaborate.


Jun 14th, 12:00 AM

Teaming Up with Intelligent Agents — A Work System Perspective on the Collaboration with Intelligent Agents

Intelligent agents may become our co-workers. As intelligent agents powered by agentic information systems are acquiring more capabilities, humans consider teaming up with them in ever more circumstances. However, research and practice still face major uncertainties and difficulties when implementing intelligent agents into work systems together with humans. We address the lack of guidance on how to design work systems in which human and intelligent agents can collaborate, by investigating the central aspects that describe the collaboration of human and intelligent agents in work systems. We do so by building on a literature review on human-robot interaction and taking the work system perspective. This results in two contributions. First, we identify 16 important design dimensions of collaboration between human and intelligent agents. Second, we assemble these dimensions into a task-related framework that highlights specific design parameters and important considerations when designing work systems where human and intelligent agents collaborate.

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