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Research has primarily focused on process models for AI-use-case-adoption, but neglected the usecases themselves. In this research, an ontological artifact is developed as the basis for an AI-use-casedescription-scheme. It allows practitioners and researchers to systematically describe such use-cases based on their level of abstraction and core characteristics. It enables them to classify, document and communicate these use-cases to support AI-adoption. We ground its development in diffusion of innovation theory and build upon research on AI-adoption. In particular, Rogers’ (2003) innovation decision process is utilised as a framework that explains adoption decisions by organisations. A Design Science Research approach is chosen that integrates the ontology development process by Noy and McGuinness (2001). In this research-in-progress, we conduct one ex ante and one ex post evaluation and plan for a second ex post evaluation that ensure the relevance and rigor of the artifact design. Keywords: artificial intelligence, innovation, adoption, use-case, ontology



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