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To avoid crowding at locations, decision support systems (DSS) such as Google Maps that feature crowding information (CI) and location recommendations increasingly indicate the immediacy (i.e., timeliness) of information (e.g., “updated just now”). Despite important implications for DSS design, little is known about how the immediacy of information influences (1) users’ selections of locations, (2) the effectiveness of present (vs. absent) location recommendations and (3) users’ reuse intentions. Drawing on construal level theory, we conducted an online experiment in which 171 participants selected between differently crowded bars. We find evidence that high (vs. low) immediacy of CI leads users to select less crowded bars – while also raising users’ reuse intentions. Yet, the effect of high (vs. low) immediacy of CI on location selection is unexpectedly cancelled out when location recommendations are displayed. Overall, we provide novel theoretical and practical insights on the role of immediacy of information for DSS.



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