Paper Number
In the era of “industry 4.0”, manufacturing companies are increasingly complementing their product portfolio with service offerings, so-called smart production services (e.g., maintenance works). In this respect, the quality of these services is decisive for truly creating added “value” for customers. However, smart service quality is an under-researched topic in the quality management discipline to date, and operational methods and tools are largely missing. In this research-in-progress paper, we introduce the reader to our effort to specify the established Six Sigma approach to work for smart production services and introduce a prototypical modeling tool to support such quality projects.
Recommended Citation
Johannsen, Florian and Leist, Susanne, "SIX SIGMA FOR SMART PRODUCTION SERVICES – TOWARDS A MODELING TOOL-BASED APPROACH" (2021). ECIS 2021 Research-in-Progress Papers. 24.
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