ECIS 2020 Research Papers
The importance of data as the key resource in start-ups and traditional businesses rises steadily. Thus, traditional organizations need to adapt accordingly and develop adequate strategies to incorporate data into their value creation process. Creating value from data often requires collaboration between various actors with different requirements and individual objectives, in short, in an ecosystem. However, as of now, there are few studies investigating data ecosystems in-depth. Thus, we address that issue and report on a Design Science Research study developing a morphology of data ecosystems based both on a structured literature review and two explorative case studies conducted in traditional organizations. Therefore, we generate new knowledge through first-hand insights gained via use case studies over 18 months with practitioners and support these results with existing expertise in the scientific literature. We created a morphology to reveal key characteristics and elements of data ecosystems to develop a tool for companies and scientists alike to acquire a better understanding and perception of data ecosystems.
Recommended Citation
Azkan, Can; Möller, Frederik; Meisel, Lukas; and Otto, Boris, "SERVICE DOMINANT LOGIC PERSPECTIVE ON DATA ECOSYSTEMS - A CASE STUDY BASED MORPHOLOGY" (2020). In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), An Online AIS Conference, June 15-17, 2020.
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