ECIS 2020 Research Papers


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Enterprise social networks (ESNs) foster internal information exchange, knowledge management, and organizational learning, among other things, and are thus essential in the digital workplace. The use of ESNs in companies can support employees’ performance and result in positive outcomes. However, literature on technostress and social media use stresses that ESNs can also negatively affect employees. Research in this context often focuses on public social media, as well as on the implementation phase in companies but not on long-term use within companies. In this study, we investigate possible ESNinduced stressors and their effects on employee ESN use in the context of a company-internal social platform implemented several years ago. We conducted a single case study in the German office of a global company in the health industry. The results indicate that technostressors overload, uncertainty, complexity, job insecurity, invasion of privacy, work-home conflict, involuntary levels of participation, diminished reputation, lack of experience, and language barriers negatively affect employees ESN use. These are moderated by personality traits, traits, confidence levels regarding ESN use, skills, corporate culture, and employees attitudes toward ESN.



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